Recipe for Grilled Veal Tongue, Preparation - Boiling, Peeling

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Рецепта за телешки език на скара, приготвяне - варене, обезципяване

Necessary products:

  • veal tongue - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • allspice - 4 grains
  • black pepper - 3 grains
  • onion - 1 head
  • celery
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bacon - for greasing the grill
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Method of preparation:

  1. Language Preparation:
    • Put the beef tongue in a large pot of water and cook until tender (about 2-3 hours) - at 95 °C, and in the pressure cooker after it starts making a sound, 15 minutes are detected.
    • Once cool, peel the skin and cut the tongue into thick slices.

  2. Grill preparation:
    • Grease the grill with bacon
    • Heat the grill to medium-high heat.
    • Place the tongue slices on the grill and cook until golden brown on each side (about 3-4 minutes per side).
  3. Garnish:
    • Grill the vegetables until soft and lightly browned.
  4. Serving:
    • Serve the beef tongue with the grilled vegetables.
    • Garnish with fresh herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice for extra flavor.

Black Angus beef tongue

24.99 лв
24.99 лв

Details for Black Angus beef tongue

Naturally WITHOUT hormonesDelivery in a cooler bag Transport at -1 to +4 °CSuitable for oven and panFresh beef
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