What are the types of degrees of doneness of beef steak and meat

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The degree of doneness of a steak is determined by its internal temperature and the color of the meat. These determine how well done the steak is and vary according to personal preference. Here are the main degrees of baking:

  1. Blue (Bleu) or Very Rare : The steak is exposed to the fire very briefly so that the inside remains almost raw and bluish-red in color. The internal temperature is around 46-49°C.

  2. Rare : Lightly toasted on the outside with a warm but almost raw interior. The color inside is red and the temperature reaches 52-55°C.

  3. Medium Rare : The interior is warm and most of it is pink with a reddish tint. The temperature of the meat is between 55-60°C.

  4. Medium : The steak is well done on the outside with a large portion of pink inside. The internal temperature is between 60-65°C.

  5. Medium Well : A smaller portion of the interior remains pink and the temperature is around 65-69°C.

  6. Well Done : The steak is fully cooked through its thickness without any pink, and the internal temperature exceeds 71°C.

Note that these degrees of doneness may vary slightly depending on individual preferences and cooking methods. It is important to use a meat thermometer to accurately determine the internal temperature of the steak.

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